Your Ultimate Guide to a Meaningful 3rd Act
Welcome! I'm Bev Barnes and this page is your ultimate guide to a meaningful 3rd act – the stage of life when your children are near adulthood, and you are seeking new purpose beyond parenthood.
On this page, you'll learn about The Soul's Calling® Roadmap S.O.U.L. process, a blueprint for heart-centered, empathic women who ache to create a meaningful third act - and access important resources to help you shift from living a life following your programming to living a life following your purpose. This profound shift is the key to creating a fulfilling, meaningful and joy-filled third act.
This process is based on my more than two decades of work in this field and has been used by hundreds of students & clients world-wide. And now you can access this life changing process to start creating your meaningful 3rd act!
Get started on the S.O.U.L process by working through the sections and resource links below - or click on the button to jump right to our free Master Class!
Jump to the Free Soul's Calling Roadmap Process Master ClassThe S.O.U.L Process of Transition to Your Meaningful 3rd Act
Click on each step of the S.O.U.L process below to learn more about that step and access key resources.Â
Overview - The Soul's Calling Roadmap S.O.U.L. Process of Transition
In this Ultimate Guide, you'll learn the Soul's Calling Roadmap's core S.O.U.L. process to move from living in your programming to living in your purpose, which is the key to transitioning from where you are now to a 3rd act full of joy, meaning and purpose.
 Learn more about each stage of the S.O.U.L process and access resources for each stage in the sections below:
- S - Stop The Denial
- O - Out Your Obstacles
- U - Unlock Your Unique GeniusÂ
- L - Lead With Your GeniusÂ
S = Stop the Denial
If you're like many heart-centered empathetic women, there comes a time in your transition to your 3rd act when you realize something is missing, and this might be your last chance to create something for yourself that feels deeply meaningful.
On the Soul's Calling Roadmap we call this your Volcano moment.  The Volcano signifies the end of life as you’ve known it and your decision to stop coping with something you've put up with for years. This is the beginning of your Soul’s Calling journey.
This is a trigger point and you have a choice to make: Are you going to ignore the volcano erupting in your life and continue along the way things have been? Or, are you going Stop the Denial and acknowledge that something needs to change, that you are ready to create something meaningful for yourself.Â
This stage is a time of contemplation, inner exploration, and preparing yourself with the tools you need to move through the rest of the roadmap:
- Transitions: Where is a volcano erupting your life? What is ending for you? What is the transition process you'll need to go through?
- Soul Connection: What regular practice can you set up to regularly connect to your inner wisdom?
- Body Wisdom: What tools will help you determine your truth and make important decisions as you move forward?
- Energy Management: How will you stay in your own energy and maintain healthy boundaries – particularly if you are highly empathic?
HOW IT FEELS: You’ll feel overwhelmed with emotions in the Volcano. There will probably be grief and sadness, maybe anger, and sometimes a glimmer of hope. This is a tumultuous time where you’ll need a safe place to lick your wounds. A life coach, a dear friend or a therapist can offer you the support you need…and you’ll need it.
WHAT YOU NEED TO LEARN: You need to stop tolerating what you don’t want, stop denying that you are miserable in your current circumstances, and start connecting with your soul’s truth. You’ll need to learn your body’s signals for truth and how to decode the wisdom of your body.
Tools and Insights for the Stop The Denial stage:
How to Stop the Denial and Move Through Transitions:
- You Have to Say Goodbye to Find Your New Hello
- I'm Not Pretending to be 45 Anymore
- Pirate World or Purpose World: Which Do You Choose?
How to Connect To Your Soul/Heart/Body:
How to Decode Your Body Wisdom:
Tools for Empaths:
O = Out Your Obstacles
Daring to decide to create a 3rd act full of meaning and purpose can be a challenge for many heart-centered women. Why? Because you're used to putting the needs of everyone else in your life first, and yours last. But creating a personally meaningful 3rd act is going to require something different from you... dropping a role that you were indoctrinated to fulfill so that you can finally express the truth of who you are.
To do this, you will need shift your gaze from others to yourself. Instead of creating and supporting other people's needs and visions - you'll support and create your own. And this means that you'll be taking up space - not just fitting into the space that's left over.
One of the biggest obstacles is your programming. We have all been programmed to play specific roles, that become your purpose, by our culture, our families, our race, and our gender. Your programmed purpose is an artificial sense of who you believe you’re supposed to be. It’s an idea, or story, based mostly on other people’s expectations that began to form when you were a child.
We believe the story we’ve been told about who we’re expected to be, because that’s how we meet our human needs for belonging and love. So we start following society’s rules, fitting into the expectations of our culture, race, gender, social standing, religion or anything else. This programmed purpose is probably NOT your soul’s purpose. If you keep following this rule-book, you won’t discover your soul’s calling. If your programmed purpose is misaligned with your soul’s purpose, it’ll lead you straight to divine discontent and a lack of meaning.
At this stage of the roadmap we are “outing” this programming, so that we can access and make space for the soul-self and genius that is hidden underneath. This is when you start examining the “shoulds” in your life. What rules have you been following? Were you conscious of these rules? Have you been following rules that you made when you were 3 years old that no longer apply? It’s time to unpack and leave behind what no longer fits.
HOW IT FEELS: It feels both liberating and overwhelming to leave behind old rules. It’s liberating to clear out your out-dated programming, but it’s overwhelming when you realize just how much junk you’ve been carrying around with you. Some people feel extreme grief and sadness. Others feel anger and rage. And others feel fear about the unknown or the possibility of being rejected or abandoned by loved ones. Most feel disoriented. Who are you if you aren’t what you thought you were? It’s important to allow yourself to feel what you feel and create an inner space for your genius that lies underneath this programmed identity.
WHAT YOU NEED TO LEARN: You’ll need to become aware of what role your programming plays in your life and consciously choose what fits your life right now. You’ll learn how to detach from your stories, your thoughts and your beliefs, and how to uncover your soul’s deepest truth. You’ll need to learn to be comfortable without your old familiar beliefs and allow the discomfort that will arise when you see your Pirate World programming. You’ll need to learn to feel and express your emotions. You’ll need to learn to feel and express your emotions. You’ll need to learn to complete the stress cycle, to deal with the stress that inhabits your body, even if you can’t do anything about the stressor.
How to Excavate Your Programming:
- What's Your Programming?
- What Old Story Keeps You Stuck?
- Are Making Money & Following Your Soul's Calling Mutually Exclusive
How to Work with Fear:
- Fear: Why You Need To Listen To It
- Are You Willing To Face Your Fears
- What's Your Fear Story And Why You Need To Know It
How to Outwit Resistance:
U = Unlock Your Hidden Genius
Unlocking your unique genius is recognizing that there is no one else who is exactly like you in the entire world. When you start unlocking your unique genius, you decide that you matter, that you have something inside that needs to be used, that needs to be given.
Your unique genius includes your gifts and talents, your passions and values, your own body wisdom, the gold in your shadow and your style and personality preferences. It also is an indescribably big energetic imprint that is very difficult to put into words. Unlocking your unique genius is equivalent to letting your soul out in the world.
HOW IT FEELS: It feels inspiring to unlock your unique genius and learn what makes you YOU! It puts an involuntary smile on most peoples’ faces. Some people want a different genius than they have. This doesn’t feel too good. Once you’ve accepted your genius, however, you can start to grow it, and get even better at it.
When you believe in your own genius, accept it, grow it, practice it and give it freely, you’ll start to fly. People who study and apprentice in their genius zone become exceptional very quickly. It can also feel scary because you’ll start to realize just how big the gift you’ve been given is.
WHAT YOU NEED TO LEARN: You need to recognize that everyone doesn’t see the world the way that you do. Sometimes you’ll think that something you do is easy so that it’s not part of your genius. WRONG. It doesn’t need to be hard to be part of your genius. In fact, if it’s super easy and natural for you and you love doing it, then that’s almost a guarantee that it’s part of your genius.
You’ll need to get help from others to see your genius. It’s not easy to be you and see you at the same time. It’s much easier to see someone else than it is to see yourself. You’ll have to continue de-cluttering your mind and accepting who you really are rather than who you think you should be, throughout.
How to Reconnect With You:
How to Unlock Your Genius:
L = Lead With Love
This is where you make your soul’s calling concrete – shift it from the world of essence to the world of matter. After all the digging, you’ll need to dare to decide to DO something that embodies your soul’s calling. You’ll define your soul’s niche & then create a passion project that lights you up! This is the stage where you are narrowing down all the deep work you’ve done and daring to decide WHAT to do, HOW to do it, and HOW to keep doing it.
At this phase of the journey you choose your boat (the “thing” that you are launching) and set sail. You are answering your soul’s calling. Your soul leads this voyage. Your goal on the voyage is to use and give your unique genius as much as possible. As you do that, you’ll establish an even more trusting relationship with your soul. You are taking tiny steps without knowing exactly where you are going but being certain that this is your direction.
HOW IT FEELS: It feels like freedom. There is some unknown, so you’ll also feel a little uncertain and a little afraid, but much less than you did on the beach. You’ll get synchronicities and “God winks” that confirm you are headed in the right direction. You have to take action to find out what the next steps are. You can’t think it all through in advance. That’s not how this voyage works.
It’ll feel sometimes like forces outside of you are conspiring to make events come together for you and they are SO different that what you plan for.
This feels like creativity – having ideas, following them, doing what works, dumping what doesn’t. When everything flows you know that you are aligned with your soul’s desires and when it doesn’t you need to readjust.
WHAT YOU NEED TO LEARN: You need to learn how you best create what you want and how to manage your own energy. You’ll need to practice getting out of your own way and re-connecting with your unique genius so that you choose the route that is best for you. You’ll need to learn to trust that your soul is guiding you. You’ll be able to name your one task.
How to Define Your Ideal 3rd Act:
How to Create Your Passion Project:
How to Lead With Love
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