10 Ways to Manage Your Energy So You Can Receive From Your Soul
First of all, let me say, being flooded with ideas when you are re-inventing your life or your career is NOT a problem. It’s what we Soulpreneurs want. We want to get off the couch, stop being afraid and start moving with momentum.
When you’ve unlearned the life rules that aren’t yours, when you’ve started living your own truth, part of the reward is being literally showered with ideas, – things to do and create, and experience and try out. You’ll be constantly inspired. It’s a rush. It feels like you’re in another dimension.
And you are.
You get what I like to call – Downloads from the Divine. Inspiration is everywhere. You have to keep notes everywhere so that you don’t forget. I love this phase of re-inventing your life or creating a business because it’s like an adventure. You have no idea where it will lead.
Creativity comes through you, not from you. When you are aligned with your soul’s genius, you become an idea factory. I’ve seen that happen with so many of my clients. I just got off the phone with one of them. I think that’s what I love the most about coaching when someone gets a glimpse of who they really are and they start to claim it. Then…… wait for it…….the deluge of ideas comes, straight from the universe. The ideas and possibilities come pouring down, and all you have to do is catch them and do them! These are blessings. This is the signal that you are aligned with your soul – raining inspiration!
But you have to manage your energy. You have to be able to hold what is coming to you in a solid, grounded way. If you don’t your ego – who has been waiting in the wings – will slip in and tell you – this is too hard – this is overwhelming – what do you do next? – you’ve got to make a plan – yadda, yadda, yadda.
You need to manage your energy so that you can receive from your Soul. Here are some suggestions on how you can do that:
1. Do what energizes you; drop what depletes you.
Being tired, doing the things that drain you lead you in the opposite direction of your soul’s calling. Be vigilant about noticing and dropping those things that deplete you.
2. Try stuff out before you know how, and learn from what you do. Stay in constant creative response to what shows up.
You know what no one tells you? That answering your soul’s calling means that you are going to be constantly making things up and creating. Someone else isn’t going to give you a checklist to follow. As Richard Branson says, “Screw it, just do it!” Get ready for the ride because you have no idea where it will take you!
3. Follow your true nature by doing things that feel like play.
Play is IT! If something you have created doesn’t feel like play, then you need to tweak it until it does. We were born to play and to have joy. Your real work in the world feels like play not suffering.
4. Connect to your Soul through meditation, grounding or other activities that help you get into your non-verbal mind.
The fastest way to stop your ego self from hi-jacking your life is to ground and get back into your body. Take 12 deep belly breaths. This is the simplest way to get grounded.
5. Take consistent baby steps, rather than one-time huge leaps.
The ego wants a big splash, overnight success. Your ego wants you to quit your job on Wednesday and become a successful entrepreneur by Saturday. Take your time. Do things bit by bit. It all counts even when others can’t see on the outside what you’re creating on the inside. It’ll happen – baby step after baby step.
6. Accept your fear and resistance and don’t beat yourself up for having it.
I’ve talked about this a lot. Don’t assume that people who step out and claim their genius and share it don’t have fear and resistance. They do, but the more that they own who they really are, the easier it gets. Don’t wait for your fear to go away. It might not. Do it afraid, and your fear will become your fuel.
7. Have or create a support group of like minds and like hearts where you can share without fear, your successes, your ideas, your doubts and your passions.
This is magic.Divine feminine energy is asking us to connect, support and guide one-another.We can no longer function with the “pull yourself up with your own grit” model.Connect, connect and connect.That’s what all my work in the world is created to facilitate – connection to self, connection to soul, and connection to one-another. You can join my Fearbusting Club for Soulpreneurs. It’s totally free! Join here.
8. Practice self-compassion and self-kindness.
My guess is that you do focus on being kind and compassionate to the people in your life, but are you that way with yourself? Do you push yourself beyond your limits? Forget to eat? Are you so busy saying “yes” to others that you aren’t focusing on growing and sharing your gifts? Do you beat yourself up to get motivated? None of that is kindness or compassion.
9. Rest when you are tired.
Give yourself permission to rest. Give yourself permission to putter. Give yourself permission to be without doing.
10. Get grateful.
List what you are grateful for and feel that gratitude in your body. Gratitude connects you directly to your soul.
Get on the waitlist for my Soul's Calling Coaching Club for Life Coaches HERE!
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