What's Your Next Life Chapter?


A 4-Day Immersive Workshop & Retreat for women who want to create a soul-aligned next life chapter




Get on the waitlist for the Immersive Retreat!

Do you feel like you’re at the end of one life chapter?

Maybe you feel like you've outgrown your old life and you're yearning to create a new one. Maybe your children are finally at an age where you can think about your own needs. Or maybe you have a passion project that wants to be born. You're either unsure of what you want, or crystal clear - but you're a little afraid and uncertain about next steps. And after 3 years of reduced connection, you need community. You need to connect live, and in person to get inspired and get motivated and get clear on what you want your next life chapter to look like, and feel like. And you need the company of honest, authentic women who aren't afraid to be vulnerable. 


What’s Your Next Chapter? The Immersive 4-Day Workshop and Retreat was created just for you! 


I'm so excited to host this Immersive Retreat & Workshop What’s Your Next Chapter? in the beautiful Ottawa/Gatineau area, Canada's capital region. You'll be working live and in-person with me, Bev Barnes and a small group of women (maximum 8 women), in a beautiful setting. You'll be guided through a powerful process of self discovery, that will naturally lead you to your sacred work. You'll: 

  • End your last chapter and create space for the next one.
  • Tap into your body and soul’s guidance for your next chapter
  • Unlock the hidden gifts and dare to decide to showcase them in your next life chapter
  • Identify & overcome the blockages of your outdated cultural programming and find a truer story for your emerging life chapter
  • Create an inspiring vision or "felt sense" for your next life chapter that allows you to be congruent  - the same on the outside as you are on the inside
  • Create your own roadmap to take you from where you are now, to where you want to be.


By the end of our 4 days together you’ll have a clear sense of direction and purpose and the tools you need to create your next soul-aligned chapter. But more than that, you’ll have a community of like-minded women who will continue to support and encourage you long after the workshop has ended.

And we don't end there!

You'll also get four private one-on-one coaching sessions with Bev to help support and guide you, post immersive as you create your new life chapter. We know this is a process, and with this post-retreat support and coaching, you'll remember and move towards your vision for your next life chapter!


Hi, I'm Bev! I’m so excited to lead this transformational experience!

Since 2008, I've helped hundreds of purpose-seekers to get clear on their sacred work and get past their fear of doing it. I trained and mentored new Life Coaches for Dr. Martha Beck’s Wayfinder Life Coach Training for over ten years. I hold a master’s degree in the Human Behaviour Sciences, a graduate diploma in Brief & Strategic Therapy, and graduate training in Group Facilitation and Career Development. In addition, I’m a certified Master Wayfinder Life Coach, a certified user of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator and a Certified Sparketype Advisor.

I help women who’ve spent their whole lives fitting in, to stop hiding, to unlock their hidden genius, & start a new life chapter, doing their sacred work - being who they were always meant to be.

What Our Past Participants Are Saying

You helped me to realize where my strengths were and the depth of the 'Stephanie difference'.

Bev, is the safest coaching space on the planet. I know DEEPLY that you are going to provide me with the wisdom that I need to be my best in a way that will be kind, strengthening [as opposed to fostering a puddle-like collapse on the floor. 

Steph Lagana

Bev's Intensive was magical.

Bev guided me to push aside the veil of who I'd become, helped me remember who I am, and drew out the possibility of who I can be. I came to the intensive aching to do something, tentative and unsure about my life coaching business, and feeling my way blindly toward a purpose. I left with a deep knowing, an unshakeable understanding of what I was born to do. I can't thank Bev enough. She's changed everything for me. 

Diane Douiyssi

Get on the waitlist for the next Immersive Retreat