Doors to the coaching club are now closed. 

Get informed about our next opening! 

Overcome fear, self-doubt, perfection paralysis and imposter syndrome and get going on the coaching career that makes you come alive. 


Did you get trained as a coach but you feel lost and unsure of your direction? Maybe you're stuck in your day job and you aren't sharing your gifts, or telling anyone that you're a coach. Maybe you aren't sharing your big vision for the world. Or you're suffering from self-doubt, imposter syndrome, or perfection paralysis. Maybe you're the designated care-giver for all the people in your life, so your coaching career falls off the priority list. What all this means is that you aren't doing the work that calls to your heart and brings you to life. And you're probably questioning yourself, wondering what's wrong with you, wondering why you haven't taken flight as a coach yet.


Join the Soul's Calling® Coaching Club

The Soul’s Calling® Coaching Club helps you shift from confusion, self-doubt and freezing to clarity, conviction and action. By being immersed in coaching with other trained Coaches, and Master Coach & Facilitator, Bev Barnes M.S. – and applying our soul’s calling coaching methods that you’ll practice in the club, you’ll stop doubting your destiny, and you’ll define & fully claim your sacred work.


We’re in the middle of a world-side crisis of meaning.

The past three pandemic years shook people to the core. We can’t just “go back to normal”. People are seeking healers, teachers, coaches and guides now, more than ever. But, if you keep doubting your competency and hiding your genius, you’ll miss the boat. The world desperately needs gifted coaches and guides, like you, now. Your opportunity is now!


And, nothing is wrong with you if you feel stuck.

As a woman, you've been programmed to doubt yourself, to believe that you need to be fixed, that to be accepted, you need to do everything "perfectly". You've been programmed to put everyone else first and deny your own desires. You’re valued for being beautiful, being thin, and caring for others. So if you dare to decide to stop following those rules, and follow your own truth, your soul's calling, you're disrupting the status quo and you'll be criticized, ridiculed or ignored. And that's scary.


No wonder you're hiding.

And even if you dare to decide to live according to your deepest truth, and do your sacred work anyway, sh*t happens. Parents get sick. Spouses lose their jobs. Relationships fall apart. Children get ill. Adult children have mental health issues or addictions... When you're a healer or helper in your soul, what do you prioritize? How can you continue to focus on you, when there are real needs in your family - that you can meet?


And then there's the online world. 

Since the pandemic, everyone is on line. It's become a mecca for Pirates - people seeking only money, influence & power over others. Every single day you are bombarded with messages about who you should be and what you should do as a Coach. The marketing aimed at Coaches is unrelenting. And these conflicting and confusing messages slip into your consciousness and you get even more confused and overwhelmed...and stuck.


There’s a lot to navigate as you create and grow your sacred work.

How do you stay purpose aligned - aligned with your truth, and not get shipwrecked, and purpose adjacent? And how do you consistently avoid the hustle culture - which you were previously praised for? How do you trust your body and soul wisdom, clear out your multi-generational “fit in, stay quiet and hide”, programming, claim your genius, share your voice, take action, be the light in the world that you were born to be, AND make a living?

I’m exhausted just writing that. Ha!


 Wouldn’t this be easier if you had a community of like-minded women, on the same journey where you could remember who you are, outwit your fears, get coached, hear others getting coached and feel resourced on a regular basis?


That’s why I created the Soul’s Calling® Coaching Club - for Life Coaches.

On a bi-weekly basis, you, or someone else gets coached. We talk about what comes up for YOU because of the coaching. It’s a coaching club, NOT a course. We welcome vulnerability, intuition and grounded energy. We shine a light on the beauty of who you are and help you to unravel the stuck places.

We face the real life, unpredictable situations that you are dealing with - because that's all part of the journey. Life and work aren't separate. They fit together. We learn from each-other. We support & celebrate each-other. 

I created the Soul’s Calling® Coaching Club because I know that staying purpose aligned in a world that wants you to follow your programming is hard. You’ll need to be with others doing the same thing, and you’ll need to get coached. You can't just coach other people; you need to RECEIVE coaching too.  


Here's what you'll get in the Soul's Calling Coaching Club: 

***You'll get coached, through your life challenges, blockages, confusion and fear -  or hear other people get coached;

***You'll get wisdom downloads from your guidance. It happens ALL the time, on each call. And this gets shared.

***You'll recognize that you aren’t alone, that others have the same big visions that you do, and are dealing with the same challenges as you are.

***You'll generate ideas that spark you and you'll potentially find collaborators!

***You'll remember your deepest "why" - and your core soul message - which is your foundation and the guide for creating and growing your sacred work. 

***You'll have a bi-weekly commitment to yourself and your dreams. If you keep showing up, and keep taking action, and you keep unraveling your blockages, for as long as it takes, you'll bring your important work to the world and you'll inspire others others in the group. 

***You'll have special topics as additional Monthly Masterclass, given by invited Experts & Bev Barnes.

***You'll have a safe place where you belong - where you can fully express your "real" self, where you know the language, where you share a mission - even though you're all different and from all over the world!

***You'll finally have coaching at a price that you can afford, that doesn't cost you the price of buying a small island.


I know how easy it is to be thrown off course – to think that what you’re doing isn’t good enough, or isn’t original enough, or isn’t world changing enough. 


And all of that’s a lie. 


"You have a gem of genius that needs to be expressed in the world."


 The Soul’s Calling® Coaching Club is here to support you to get the coaching, clarity, confidence and connection that you've been craving. 


What Members Are Saying About The Soul's Calling® Coaching Club

"The club keeps me moving forward on my soul's calling path." 

“The support from Bev and the other members of the group is invaluable. I think I would have veered off soul's calling path before now, if not for this group!”        

Bethany Bilbrey

"The club is like a biweekly communion for the soul."

“ The club allows me to see myself in the other members of the group. It keeps me on my path towards living my soul's calling by fertilizing the right parts inside of me. I feel like I'm in a community in which I belong. I protect and guard this energy and reserve spots for it in my calendar for this doesn't get pushed down under layers of must's and should's".           Berit Hympendahl     

"This bridges the gap between life coach training, my own deep healing, and truly claiming my genius.”  

“For me it's about the coaching and a community of wonderful like-minded women. The insights that come from being coached and watching Bev coach others is amazing and magical."      

Lisa Irwin                     

Meet Bev Barnes M.S., Master Life Coach, Coach Mentor, Hidden Genius Excavator, Self-Doubt Transformer &  Purpose Whisperer 

Hi, I'm Bev! I’m passionate about helping empathic, purpose-seeking women to stop hiding their gifts, and to start a new life chapter, doing sacred their work.

I was that woman. I was hiding in plain sight. I knew I was a natural “healer” but that’s not what I was doing for my work – and it was SO painful. Everyone thought I was happy. I was good at hiding my divine discontent. Until a volcano erupted in my life and I couldn’t pretend anymore. I unlocked and started using my genius - and that led me to my sacred work.

Since 2008, I've helped hundreds of purpose-seekers to get clear on their sacred work and get past their fear of doing it. I trained and mentored new Life Coaches for Dr. Martha Beck’s Wayfinder Life Coach Training for over ten years. I hold a master’s degree in the Human Behaviour Sciences, a graduate diploma in Brief & Strategic Therapy, and graduate training in Group Facilitation and Career Development. In addition, I’m a certified Master Wayfinder Life Coach, a certified user of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator and a Certified Sparketype Advisor.

I help women who’ve spent their whole lives fitting in, to start standing out, to unlock their hidden genius, & start a new life chapter, doing their sacred work.

What You Get in the Soul's Calling® Coaching Club

Masterful Coaching by Bev Barnes M.S.

Get coached, and be part of the safe, energetic container that we create together,  every other week!

Coach Mentor, Bev Barnes M.S, will be coaching about 2 people LIVE on each call. You'll get through whatever is blocking you. And you'll get downloads from your soul on these calls, whether you're live or listen to the post-class recording.

This is the heart of the Soul's Calling® Coaching Club. Soul's calling coaching is life-changing.

Monthly Masterclasses

Every month we invite an expert - who may be a group member, to deep-dive into a specific topic designed to help you know yourself more deeply and more fully step into your sacred work. Our next Master Classes are:

  • Bringing Your Sparketype into Your Coaching Practice;
  • Type Preference & Personality Style for Coaches
  • The Wisdom of the Enneagram
  • Using the Kolbe to Do More Naturally
  • An Introduction to Human Design

An International Sisterhood of Support

Our members live all over the world. You’ll belong - because we speak the same soul language. You’ll form deep friendships & connections. Because the coaching sessions often involve brainstorming and sharing insights and takeaways – you won’t be hiding in this group. Your voice will be heard.

You'll get seen, and truly see each-other. You'll get inspired and supported.

Our On-line Hub, Course & Resources

You’ll get access to our on-line portal and private Facebook discussion group. Our hub houses all the call recordings, video trainings and resources that are regularly updated and enhanced, so that you can access them at any time!

These video trainings and resources all help you to stay purpose-aligned rather than purpose adjacent as you continue your lifetime soul’s calling journey.


Soul's Calling Coaching Spiral Playbook & Training

You’ll get the Soul’s Calling Spiral Playbook and mini-training to support your journey.

The Soul’s Calling Spiral lays out the pathway that you’ll continue to spiral through as you deepen your sacred work.

The 80+ page workbook contains a wealth of exercises that you’ll use and re-use on your soul’s calling journey.


Discounted Rates & First Invitations for Live Retreats & One-On-One Coaching

As a member of the Soul’s Calling® Club you’ll always be the first to know and get the first opportunity to attend my live retreats at a 10% discount.

In addition, I reserve a few one-on-one coaching spots also at a discounted rate for members of the Club.

"It's similar to having a cleaning service but for my mind and soul"

I like the accountability that club calls create within myself, to trigger a check in on my journey and to course correct my path. Sessions are just like the day before the cleaning service comes; I need to do some pre-work to evaluate and reflect on the chaos I have allowed to enter into my life, and then I need to deal with it so that I can feel the joy and freedom and lightness of energy that a clean house gives.     Susan Harbourt


"I love being immersed in the coaching space."

I love observing and experiencing the beautiful and gentle guidance that is coaching.     Barbara Gallen

Dr. Martha Beck - Bestselling Author, Life Coach, and Sociologist

"Intuitive, insightful, and endlessly supportive, Bev Barnes is the kind of coach who can help you back up and see the entire "forest" of your life, then zero in and find your way through the trees."

Get informed about our next opening!