What Now?
What do you do when someone who lies, cheats and abuses wins power? What do you do when your hopes and dreams about the future are dashed?
Anyone who has ever been dumped knows how this feels.
You feel hurt, alone, angry, sad. You keep playing over and over in your head what happened, what you missed, different choices you could have made. You feel unsteady and lost for a while. You wonder if you’ll ever find your footing.
My guess is that my friends in the US feel this way today. My guess is that my friends in Britain felt this way after the Brexit vote. My guess is that people all over the world feel this way today.
I’m not going to suggest that you start fighting for what you believe in right now.
I’m suggesting that you do one thing. It’s what my soul has been telling me that I need for months now.
Connect deeply. Connect with people of like-heart. Remember that you aren’t alone. Laugh. Yes, you can laugh. There are still things that are funny.
Connection will heal you.
Connection will inspire you.
And you’ll remember. You’ll remember that you have a job that you were assigned before you came here. And you’ll remember that now is the time that you are needed.
Rise up.
Big love,
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I've created a free resource guide where you'll learn about The Soul's CallingĀ® Roadmap S.O.U.L. process,Ā a blueprint for heart-centered, empathic women who ache to create a meaningful third act -Ā and access important resources to help you shift from living a life following your programming to living a life following your purpose. This profound shift is the key to creating a fulfilling, meaningful and joy-filled third act. So if you're in the middle of a transition and aren't sure where to start, I created this guide for YOU.