Soul's Calling® Coach Training & Anti-Racism
We just finished the latest training cohort of women in the Soul’s Calling® Coach Training. It was mind-blowing and mind-boggling. What a transformative group. We, Nicole and I, are so grateful to attract women to this training who have a deep desire to make a difference in the world.
I shared with the group that years ago I did a 2-part collage. My misery board and my joy board. I then drew pictures of the essence of both, and wrote also with my non-dominant hand words that represented my feelings for both the misery and the joy
The picture I drew was 12 women in a circle. The words I wrote were these: I really want to guide people back to the happy chatter of themselves.
I dated this picture. It was June 2004!!!!!!!!
My vision of my work was that women would feel safe to be who they were meant to be, giggly and happy and that it would be SO much fun.
This week in our final Soul’s Calling® Coaching class, it hit me that the vision I’d had was no longer a vision. It was a reality.
The Soul’s Calling® Coach Training program is the training, mentoring and coaching program that I’d always envisioned. And it’s even more than just a training or a mentoring program.
It’s an anti-racism, anti-colonialism program – in ACTION.
You see most people think (and white supremacy has taught us this) that diversity, equity and inclusion is what anti-racism is. That means that it’s all about establishing non-biased policies and practices – the systems that contribute to inequities. I worked in this field years ago – even before it was called DEI, but something was always missing for me, and it still is.
There was no deep work with people – examining their perspectives and cultural programming, claiming their difference and fundamentally changing their perspective on life and how they show up in the world.
DEI focuses on thinking not feeling. As a business owner, you review your policies and practices for exclusion or bias, create new ones if you need to, communicate your philosophy widely, and then cross your fingers and hope that no one ever calls you out for exclusion, micro or macro-aggressions, or inequity. And don’t get me wrong. DEI is a start.
But who deals with the people and their emotions and their deep-seated fears?
Who helps people to see what they’ve repressed or are unconscious to – that is actually running their lives? Who helps people discover the truth that lives inside their body? Who helps people to claim their difference in a world of top-down power?
Who are you when you drop your Pirate World programming? And is it even possible to survive in this world without it?
Those are the questions that don't get answered and are rarely addressed, because that means you want to disrupt the status quo - and so many people are invested in keeping things the way they always have been - even in other Life Coach Training programs!
How do we truly drop our Pirate World programming?
Those are the questions that we help you to answers for, in the Soul’s Calling® Coach Training and that’s what real anti-racism and anti-colonialism in action is!
From my perspective as a Black woman who has swimming in the Pirate World ocean all her life, there is only one way out of Pirate world - and that’s through EACH person. We remember who we were BEFORE we were programmed by Pirate World. WE claim and develop our unique genius and use it to create what lights us up, what feels like love. We create something concrete that exists in the world. Think about the people that you see are disrupting Pirate world. They are each creating their own body of soul-driven work. And many, but not all of these people are Black women.
And we don’t need to carry the burden of a huge CALLING to change the world.
Because magically, the world will change if more of us are doing work that lights us up - and that is SO not a burden!
Soul’s Calling Coach training:
- mentors you, first, to be who you were before you were programmed by Pirate World,
- trains you to teach and coach and guide others to do the same thing
- uses an elegant and robust 4-step process, the S.O.U.L. process;
- takes place within a sisterhood of safety and support where you GET SEEN;
- gives you permission to use YOUR genius - in the way that works for you,;
- helps you to sharpen your coaching skills and build your confidence as a coach, guide, facilitator, mentor, healer, helper and leader.
I think that Pirate World will only be disrupted by a ground up movement, by people who are conscious that the “life coaching” work that they are doing is actually a world changing mission.
Soul’s Calling coaching is world changing work.
If this sounds like who YOU are and what YOU desire, then apply now, HERE.
Early bird registration is open NOW, and we’ve adjusted our start date. You can get all the details HERE.
Big love,
p.s. Check your email after Christmas. Nicole and I will be doing a FREE class series to help you shift from your Survival work to your Sacred work.
Get My Guide to Your Meaningful Next Act
I've created a free resource guide where you'll learn about The Soul's Calling® Roadmap S.O.U.L. process, a blueprint for heart-centered, empathic women who ache to create a meaningful third act - and access important resources to help you shift from living a life following your programming to living a life following your purpose. This profound shift is the key to creating a fulfilling, meaningful and joy-filled third act. So if you're in the middle of a transition and aren't sure where to start, I created this guide for YOU.