What I Wish I’d Known When I Started an On-line Coaching Business
Starting a soul-inspired on-line business that is the expression of your deepest passions is hard.
Not because of the technology or how quickly things change. Not because of social media or marketing.
It’s hard because in a soul-inspired business, you put your insides on the outside.
Instead of just keeping the true YOU to yourself and a few close friends, you sail into new uncharted territories, sharing the true YOU with people you don’t know and may never meet.
People that might judge you.
You become vulnerable. Your soft underbelly is on the outside now.
You don’t have your fake self as protection between you and the world anymore.
And even though it’s your heart’s greatest desire, it’s hard.
Especially if you’ve spent a lifetime trying not to make waves.
If you are a shy, sensitive type, then starting a soul-inspired, on-line business is personal growth on steroids.
It’ll be painful.
It’ll force you to go back and clean up all your unhealed places.
And even then it won’t be easy.
It’ll force you to really, truly believe that your gifts come through you and not from you. If you don’t “get” that, you’ll suffer.
I promise.
Remember that – when you don’t have many clients and you don’t have many prospects and your programs aren’t sold out and nobody knows about you….yet.
Because you are not your business.
Even if it’s your deepest passion. Even if it’s your calling. Even if it’s your life’s work.
You have a business. You are not your business.
Your business is a vehicle for the expression of your gifts – that come through you, not from you.
It’s not even really about YOU at all.
Remember that – when you are feeling exposed.
If you’ve been more afraid to shine than to fail, then starting an on-line business is going to rock you to your core.
Because in order to succeed you have to shine.
You can’t fade into the background.
Just sayin’.
I don’t want to discourage you, but no one told me all this. So when I was rocked by anxiety and feeling totally unprotected and fearful, I thought something was wrong with me.
Nothing was wrong with me.
Nothing is wrong with you.
I’m telling you this so that when it happens, you’ll know.
And you won’t quit.
You won’t NOT do what your soul wants you to do.
Get ready.
You are in for quite a ride.
But it’s worth it.
Get My Guide to Your Meaningful Next Act
I've created a free resource guide where you'll learn about The Soul's Calling® Roadmap S.O.U.L. process, a blueprint for heart-centered, empathic women who ache to create a meaningful third act - and access important resources to help you shift from living a life following your programming to living a life following your purpose. This profound shift is the key to creating a fulfilling, meaningful and joy-filled third act. So if you're in the middle of a transition and aren't sure where to start, I created this guide for YOU.