What I learned in California
What a trip! I was in California for 2 weeks and got back home to Canada on the day of the US election.
I want to share with you what I learned from this amazing trip – in no apparent order:
1) I LOVE music and people jumping and dancing around, and it’s fun to go to a non- Life Coach event sometimes.
I went to a Brendon Burchard event in Santa Clara. He’s an on-line personal development guru and master marketer. He is busting with energy and his event included lots of music and jumping around. And I loved it! It was SO different from coach-type events and yet so energizing.
I learned that it’s really good to get all kinds of input and different perspectives. I met soulpreneurs that weren’t life coaches and realized that my work was needed by SO by many other people that I have yet to discover.
2) Even if you aren’t well known or you don’t have a mailing list. You have a perspective that people need.
Just start. There is no plan you have to follow from newbie coach, to experienced coach, to Master Coach, to on-line empire. Make up your own rules. People need YOUR perspective.
3) Friendship is everything.
My friend Martha Atkins made a surprise visit to see me and Deb Droz, on my birthday. She wrote about what this meant to her on Facebook afterwards here:
Bev posted a FB invitation.
“Come have dinner if you’re in the area.”
I’ve been tucked in since Noble died. Haven’t connected with friends much. Haven’t had the energy to engage. Not sleeping. The grumps.
I felt a niggle to go to dinner. In California. I live in Texas. I hadn’t felt a niggle like that in awhile. I paid attention.
With the help of Deb, we surprised Bev. So. Fun. In the last couple days I’ve laughed more than I have in months. I’ve cried, too. One helped unlock the other.
In the middle of murky times I forget how in the world the light will find its way in again. It always has. I can’t rush the process. I sure as hell try. Never works.
I’m feeling grateful for the internal something that said, “Hey! Go be with your people! Go!”
Here’s to niggles + connection + healing + day trips to the sea with amazing friends + leftover bday cake for breakfast + old school funk on Spotify + light streaming in after a long night.
I couldn’t say it any better. What’s better than connecting with people you haven’t seen for a while and when you pick up with them, it’s like no time has passed? That’s love.
4) Intimate Retreats helping people to own their bigness and their magic is my soul food.
One highlight of my See Your Soul Self retreat was this: A participant said to me on day one, that she had been struggling with her niche and her business and figuring out what she does for years now. She said that what she wanted out of the retreat was a big honking light that shone clearly on EXACTLY what she does in her business. No pressure right?
At the end of day two she said to me, “OMG!!! I know EXACTLY what I do! It is crystal clear!” It was so clear to those who could see her, but she couldn’t see herself from our perspective.
In my small intimate retreats I create the space and the process-steps for each person’s individual soul to shine through. It feels like magic. I learned once more, that THIS is my work in the world. THIS is how I make a difference and this is the work that feels like play for me.
5) Martha Beck magnetizes amazing people.
I met, greeted and work-shopped with a large group of Martha Beck’s coaches in training. I’m one of their Master Instructors. They are kind, loving and giving people. Being part of that tribe is one of the things that feeds me. I met people from all cultures from all over the world. I’m so grateful that I found Martha’s work and all the amazing people that are part of her incredible tribe.
Have an amazing week everyone!
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