A 4-Day Immersive Workshop & Retreat for Women Seeking New Purpose When One Life Chapter Ends

 Re-discover Who You Are Now, and Find New Direction For Your Next Act!

Sept 22-26, 2024 - Aylmer, Quebec (Ottawa/Gatineau region) 



Are You At The End Of A Life Chapter?

Maybe you’re an empty nester and you need a new sense of purpose. Perhaps you've lost a loved one and you are searching for new meaning. Or you're tired of your job or business and are ready to birth a passion project - if you could only figure out what it was. 

You want to figure out what’s next.

As you approach your third act, you realize that you have a good twenty years left. If you choose to retire, you're wondering how you’ll spend that time. And maybe you have an unanswered calling that you can finally pursue, or an old dream you can explore!

After years of dedicating yourself to the needs of your children, your job or your partner - or all the above - you wonder who you are now, and what do you want to do next?  

It's time to re-discover who you are now.

But that’s hard to do when you’re used to putting your own needs last. It's a hard habit to break. When you don't acknowledge your desires, you stop hearing the soul whispers that are trying to guide you. 

And you've been lonely.

You crave community, and friends and play! You want to connect off-zoom, live, & in person to get inspired and get motivated. You crave the company of honest, authentic women who aren't afraid to be vulnerable and who also need deep, honest connections.


The Immersive 4-Day Workshop & Retreat,

WHAT'S YOUR NEXT LIFE CHAPTER, was created just for you!

Join us Sept 22-26 in the beautiful Ottawa/Gatineau area, Canada's National Capital Region.


You'll be working live, and in-person, with Master Life Coach, Bev Barnes M.S., and a small group of women (maximum 8), in a beautiful setting. You'll be guided through a powerful process to re-discover who you are now and find your direction in your next life chapter.

You'll be guided by Bev through the process of: 

  • Ending your last life chapter, and letting go of what no longer fits so that you can create space for what’s next.
  • Tapping into your body and soul’s guidance to illuminate your direction for your next chapter.
  • Unlocking & unleashing your hidden gifts, your genius and your hard-earned wisdom so that you can choose your new direction.
  • Identifying & overcoming the blockages of your outdated cultural programming so that you shift from being the passenger to being the driver in your next life chapter. 
  • Getting in touch with your soul’s calling so that you have a purpose anchor for your next life chapter.
  • Creating an inspiring vision or "felt sense" for your next life chapter that allows you to be congruent - the same on the outside as you are on the inside.
  • Creating your own roadmap to take you from where you are now, to where you want to be.

You'll Also Get Post Retreat Support

You'll also get four private one-on-one coaching sessions with Bev to help support and guide you, post immersive as you create your new life chapter. We know this is a journey, that takes time, and with this post-retreat support and coaching, you'll keep moving towards your vision for your next life chapter!

When we're done, you’ll have a clear sense of direction and purpose and the tools you need to create your next soul-aligned chapter. And, you’ll have a community of like-minded women and a mentor & coach to  support and encourage you long after the retreat & immersive workshop has ended. 


Arrange a FREE Clarity Call with Bev to See if This is A Good Fit & Reserve Your Spot!

Here's What We'll Do In this Immersive Workshop & Retreat 

You’ll arrive on Sunday night Sept 22, and check-in at our Hotel, The British – in quaint Aylmer Quebec – in the National Capital Region.

Painstakingly restored and renovated, the British provides modern comfort within the traditional beauty of a 19th-century stone building. beautiful setting, close to the Ottawa river and the Aylmer Marina. 

We'll all meet briefly in the evening when you arrive, so that you have the chance to meet everyone, and get set up for the next day. 

Day One: Your Last Chapter.

After breakfast, we'll meet in our big, private, windowed suite at the British Hotel.

Every new beginning starts with an ending. Day one is designed to help you acknowledge what is ending so that you’ll have space for your new chapter. You’ll see where you are now in your life, and identify what is coming to an end and what is emerging. You’ll do an unflinching self-examination to discern what you want to bring into your new life chapter and what you want to leave behind.

The day is filled with honest conversations, exercises that may involve drawing, and sharing in pairs or small groups. At the end of day one you’ll be ready to acknowledge what needs to end to make space for what's next.  

In the evening you’ll have free time, with no organized activities. You can take a short walk to the waterfront at the Aylmer Marina and have dinner with the group, or time alone to reflect and rest.

Day Two: The Blank Page

On day two, we’ll focus on getting through the hidden obstacles you face in creating your next life chapter and claiming the brilliance of YOU that needs to be expressed now.

This might include excavating your cultural programming and multi-generational fears. We'll do a releasing ceremony.

And then, you'll be claiming your disowned or hidden gifts - sharing and getting seen in the group. You’ll be shining a light on the soul message that needs to be expressed in this new life chapter, and clearing the way so that your next chapter can emerge.  

You’ll get coached by Bev, either personally or through hearing someone else get coached. We’ll do guided visualizations individual exercises and share in pairs all to help your truth emerge.

Day Two is a deep-dive, and although it can be tough, it’s rewarding. You’ll have plenty of time at the end of this day to integrate and make meaning of what your new chapter could be!

Day 3: Dare to Dream, Dare to Decide!

When you wake up on Day Three, you’ll feel like a shift has happened. You’ve released something.  This is when you’ll have new visions for your next life chapter and have inspirations and ideas. We’ll be doing some group brainstorming on day three to help you to create momentum.

We’ll be spending the afternoon and early evening, on day 3, at the Nordik Spa Nature. This is a paradise in a natural environment that is powerfully welcoming and warm.

Nestled in the picturesque village of Old Chelsea in the Outaouais region on the outskirts of Gatineau Park, Nordik Spa-Nature is the largest spa in North America. It is an outdoor paradise with 10 outdoor baths, 9 distinct saunas and a saltwater flotation pool.

You’ll get a multi-sensory experience that helps you to embody the vision for your new life chapter. You’ll play, interact, get spot-coaching throughout the day. Outside, in nature is where your ideas for your new chapter will solidify.

We’ll end this day with a group meal to celebrate all that you’ve already accomplished.

Day 4 Integration & Your Next Chapter

Our final day is a group celebration and integration of what you’ve learned so far where you create the vision for your next life chapter.  

We’ll do a powerful visioning exercise and then, each person receives honest and loving feedback from everyone in the group. This experience is mind-blowing and transformative and you'll allow yourself to simply receive. 

Our final day is a group celebration and integration of what you’ve learned so far. You'll take part in a powerful feedback exercise and you’ll start creating your own roadmap for your next life chapter. You’ll make commitments in front of the group about your next life steps with a bone-deep knowing. 

Although Day Four is an exhilarating celebration, it’s also bittersweet because we must say goodbye to each other (for now!). The good news is that this doesn't have to be the end for the group. There will be opportunities to continue on as a group if you wish to do so!

Post Retreat: Four (4) Private Coaching Session With Bev

When you arrive home, you'll probably need to rest. You'll start integrating the insights and learnings you had in the Immersive Retreat. You'll get clearer on your passion project for your next life chapter and you'll start working on making it real. You'll have four (4) private coaching sessions with Bev to help you bring your passion project to life. In private coaching with Bev, you'll overcome the real-life obstacles you encounter - in real time, and you'll further define and create your passion project. Bev's guidance will help you to push aside the veil of who you've been, so that you can fully embrace who you're becoming. 

Arrange a FREE Clarity Call with Bev to See if This is A Good Fit & Reserve Your Spot!

Meet Bev Barnes, Master Life Coach, Coach Mentor, Hidden Genius Excavator, Self-Doubt Transformer &  Purpose Whisperer 

Hi, I'm Bev! I’m so excited to lead this transformational experience!

And I’ve got good news. I’m here to tell you that there are women just like you - with adult kids - who are creating their third act - full of meaning and purpose and joy.

They’ve clarified who they are now, and what they want, and they are confidently creating their next, best, life chapter, on their own terms.

They've claimed their wisdom and their genius, and they are being who they were always meant to be.....unapologetically.

And they are so excited and inspired about their lives now. They are still moms, but they also have a passion project or creative endeavour that lights them up. 

 Since 2008, I've helped hundreds of women unlock their soul’s calling. 

I trained and mentored Life Coaches for Dr. Martha Beck’s Wayfinder Life Coach Training for over ten years. 

I hold a master’s degree in the Human Behaviour Sciences, a graduate diploma in Brief & Strategic Therapy, and graduate training in Group Facilitation and Career Development. In addition, I’m a certified Master Wayfinder Life Coach, a certified user of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator and a Certified Sparketype Advisor.

My life’s work is to help you discover and claim who you were meant to be, in every life chapter.

What Our Past Participants Are Saying

You helped me to realize where my strengths were and the depth of the 'Stephanie difference'.

Bev, is the safest coaching space on the planet. I know DEEPLY that you are going to provide me with the wisdom that I need to be my best in a way that will be kind, strengthening - as opposed to fostering a puddle-like collapse on the floor. 

Steph Lagana

You helped me figure out what I truly want, believe I can have it, and helped me step by step to get there.

When I came to the retreat, I was holding myself back with split energy caused by not really knowing what I wanted and not fully believing that I could do it or have it, and thinking “What am I doing this for? Most of my friends are retired.”

You 100% believe my dream is possible and that strong energy helps me to believe it too. You made it 100% about leading me to my truth rather than anything else.  You’ve helped me to see myself and my gifts.

Linda Nicolson

Bev's Intensive was magical.

Bev guided me to push aside the veil of who I'd become, helped me remember who I am, and drew out the possibility of who I can be. I came to the intensive aching to do something, tentative and unsure about my life coaching business, and feeling my way blindly toward a purpose. I left with a deep knowing, an unshakeable understanding of what I was born to do. I can't thank Bev enough. She's changed everything for me. 

Diane Douiyssi

Bev masterfully eased me on down the road toward my soul’s calling. 

Through her loving support and empowering wisdom, I discovered the mindfulness, love and courage to meet my soul and returned to home a compassionate force of love ready to inspire, honor, and heal the world."

This program is about seeing yourself and seeing the power in that. 

"I’ve watched Bev’s magic-making results with people for years, so I decided to experience it myself. This program is about seeing yourself and seeing the power in that. It's amazing to see where you've been and the life-orchestration, outside of your own control, that brings you to where you are... Add intuitive women and being seen, challenged, and witnessed with love, and doing the same for them? Magic...”

Deb Droz

Your Investment

Just the Live Immersive

$1997 USD*

* Great Value & Special Pricing Available for Canadians

  • A four day live immersive experience, facilitated by Master Life Coach Bev Barnes where you'll move into your next, right, life chapter.
  • Individual and group coaching throughout the 4-day immersive.
  • The New Life Chapter Play Book where you'll have all the key exercises and practices to use during and post this immersive workshop/retreat as you create your next life chapter.
  • A private on-line community where you'll be able to connect with the other participants in the training - long after the immersive week is over.
  • Soul's Calling® Resources - including a laminated Roadmap and the Soul's Calling Coaching Cards  
  • Daily lunches for all 4 days.
  •  Transportation to and from the Nordik Spa.
Arrange A Retreat Clarity Call NOW to Reserve Your Spot!

Live Immersive Plus Coaching

$2497 USD*

*Best Value & Special Pricing Available for Canadians!

  • A four day live immersive experience, facilitated by Master Life Coach Bev Barnes where you'll move into your next, right, life chapter.
  • Four (4) private one-on-one sessions bi-weekly, with Bev, following the 4-day immersive,
  • Individual and group coaching throughout the 4-day immersive.
  • The New Life Chapter Play Book where you'll have all the key exercises and practices to use during and post this immersive workshop/retreat as you create your next life chapter.
  • A private on-line community where you'll be able to connect with the other participants in the training - long after the immersive week is over.
  • Soul's Calling® Resources - including a laminated Roadmap and the Soul's Calling Coaching Cards  
  • Daily lunches for all 4 days.
  •  Transportation to and from the Nordik Spa.
Arrange A Retreat Clarity Call NOW to Reserve Your Spot!!

**Does Not Include**

  • Cost of the Hotel - a block has been reserved at a special price for you that is extremely advantageous for US visitors
  • Breakfasts or Dinners - not covered, but many cafes and restaurants are close by. Restaurant suggestions/reservations will be made so you can eat as a group if you desire.
  • Transfers to and from the airport - easy to Uber or taxi and you can double up
  • Day pass for the Nordik Spa -  ($100/ approx. & you can add massage or other treatments as you wish)