A Retreat & Coaching Program - For Purpose-Seeking Women Starting a New Chapter 



Get On the Waitlist for our Next Opening!

This 4-day retreat and coaching program is designed specifically for women starting a new life chapter. You'll be the first to know about our next location and dates. 

Does this sound like you?

You're approaching, or well into your 3rd Act and wondering "What’s next?"

You’ve had a professional career (that you may still have). You’ve raised amazing humans – and you’ve also experienced loss. Someone that you love has likely passed away. And you know now that life doesn’t go on forever – and you can’t “wait until later”.

You’re approaching the stage of life where the world is telling you to retire, telling you that you’re invisible, telling you that you’ve used up your usefulness because you’re not a young woman anymore.

But you feel like you’re just getting started. You feel like you finally have the space and the confidence and energy to focus on YOU, to make your visions a reality and stop focussing on others.

The problem is that you don’t fit in. You’re an odd duck.

Everyone else is winding down, going on vacations, cruises, golfing, spending time with their grandchildren. That all looks amazing on Facebook, but for you – something is missing. It isn’t the future that you envision.

It doesn’t feel like it’s enough.

You still have an unanswered calling.

You have a work of heart that wants to come to life. And your soul is still calling you.

Your calling doesn’t retire.

And it’s hard to take this less travelled path.

Especially when you aren’t even clear what your “thing” is.

Especially when everyone keeps telling you that it’s time to chill, to relax, to stop “working”.

And even though you adore your grandchildren and you’re sure you’ll fall in love with your future grandchildren, you don’t want grandmother to be your full-time job.

So is it too late?

Should you just throw in the towel – give up your dream vision and do what you’re expected to do?

I created EMERGE for you.

I know what it’s like to not fit in, to be invisible and yet to hold a yearning in your heart to bring beauty and light into the world. I know what it takes to create a life on your own terms and to create your own rules - while no one's watching. I've been doing it for decades!

And I want to help you do that too!





Emerge is a transformative, immersive journey for women who are seeking new meaning and purpose in their 3rd Act.

It all starts with a live 4-day retreat - March 10-13, 2024, in Riviera Maya Mexico. In EMERGE, you'll get expert guidance, laser-coaching, safety, support, and sisterhood. You'll push away the veil of who you've become and discover who your are now. In Emerge you will:

  • Write a new story, for your 3rd Act, where you are unapologetically the main character.
  • Discover who you are now and find new meaning for your next chapter.
  • Create your ‘work of heart’ - the creative endeavour, passion project, or side-hustle that enlivens you, and allows you to fully express who you’ve become.
  • Get expert guidance, laser coaching, support, safety, and sisterhood.
  • Make new friends and soul-sisters, that may become life - long connections.
  • Remember how to play, cultivate delight and follow joy.
  • Renew your life, rather than retire from it and make this next life chapter your best life chapter!
  • Get soul-aligned and start being the same person on the outside as you are on the inside.


 Who is EMERGE For?

Well, you’re a woman, a life-time purpose-seeker, and probably a self-help junkie who's done lots of personal development and healing work. You're approaching your 3rd Act, which I'm defining as about 55 years old, give or take 10 years or so. 

One life chapter has ended, but the next hasn’t begun, and you’re feeling un-moored, and at loose ends. You’re seeking new meaning for your next chapter. You’re likely dealing with one or many of these life transitions:

  • You are in a profession that is over for you. You gave your all. You were a “success” and don’t want to do that anymore.
  • Your children are adults, and you have a little space now to focus on you – but you don’t know what you want.
  • You’re fed up with the on-line business world. You want to do things differently in your next chapter, but don’t know how.
  • A relationship or a marriage has ended, or you’ve lost someone close, and you’re feeling lost and don’t know how to navigate your next life chapter.
  • You are seeking a 3rd Act that lights you up, where you can fully express your truth and finally put your inside self on the outside.


Hi, I'm Bev Barnes M.S.


I’m so excited to lead this transformational experience!

Since 2008, I've helped hundreds of purpose-seekers to get clear on their "work of heart" and get past their fear of doing it. I trained and mentored new Life Coaches for Dr. Martha Beck’s Wayfinder Life Coach Training for over ten years. I hold a Master’s Degree in the Human Behaviour Sciences, a Graduate Diploma in Brief & Strategic Therapy, and graduate training in Group Facilitation and Career Development. In addition, I’m a certified Master Wayfinder Life Coach, a certified user of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator and a Certified Sparketype Advisor.

I help women in their 3rd Act, who’ve spent their whole lives fitting in, to stop hiding, to unlock their hidden genius, & to start a new life chapter, doing their work of heart - being who they were always meant to be.

What We Work On Together

1. You don’t know what you want.

That’s because you’ve forgotten who you are, and you aren’t the same person as you were when you were younger, so it’s not just a question of remembering who you were. You also need to know who you are now. Your identity has become fused with your role, and you’ve got to create space to excavate your soul self, to create a next chapter where you flourish.

How we help you figure out what you want:

In EMERGE we do a deep dive into what makes you, YOU. We examine your blind self, your hidden self as well as your unconscious self to help you reclaim and truly see your forgotten gifts. And we also examine your thread of purpose – that’s been woven throughout your life. Your life is always speaking to you, but you are often blind to the themes and need someone else to help you pluck them out.  

In EMERGE, you get seen, by me, and also by the group of women who are also engaged in this process. It’s affirming and life giving. We all hold you until you can see yourself the way we see you.


2. You’re stuck in your cultural programming - playing roles that are expected of you.

Your 3rd Act calling is congruence – putting your inside self on the outside. And that means dropping your roles and following your soul. You’ve got to extricate your soul’s purpose, the truth of who you are and why you’re here, from your cultural programming – the rules that women have been indoctrinated to follow.

How we get you unstuck:

In EMERGE we help you to unravel that cultural programming – without shame – without blaming yourself or beating yourself up. You’ll go through a series of curated exercises to gain awareness of the stories you’re telling yourself about what it means to be an aging woman, what it means to be a mom. And when you unravel this cultural programming, stop hiding it, and share it in a safe space, you’ll realize that you aren’t alone. And this awareness can often lead you straight to finding a new sense of purpose for your life.


3. You feel lonely and alone - because you've lived through so many life transitions.

Heart-centered women need deep, honest connections. There is no substitute. Sisterhood is essential for heart-centered, purpose-driven women. Your renewal in your next life chapter will require deep connections with others – being seen, being supported, and feeling connected. I’ve been gathering women in groups and creating the safest spaces for years, and I know that sisterhood is essential to facilitate personal renewal in your 3rd Act (and always!)

How we help you stop feeling lonely and alone:

EMERGE starts with a 4-day in-person retreat. That’s where we connect….deeply. And play. And laugh. And cry. And explore. This connection continues on for at least 6 months. And for many groups that I facilitate, women become life-long friends.


4. You’ve forgotten how to play AND you’ve suppressed your grief.

You can’t do one without the other. If you don’t express your grief at the losses, you’ve incurred, you won’t be able to feel true joy. Yin and yang. Light and dark. And you need to remember to play, to follow joy, to cultivate delight in your life. So, if you’re stuck and haven’t grieved what has ended – even if you wanted that ending, you won’t be able to find real joy for your next chapter.

How we help you play AND grieve.

In EMERGE we help you to release what no longer fits, in ceremony and ritual. We help you to make sense of the loss, AND find joy, play and cultivate delight. Dark and light exist together, and we embrace it all – unflinchingly.

You’ll identify what is ending for you – and learn the soul’s calling transition process – and your own specific transition pattern – which will guide you. And our retreat also includes lots of play. This isn’t a business course. This is play, using your imagination, being by the ocean, experiencing the wonder of life.


We take you on a proven pathway to your 3rd Act calling – being YOU in exactly the way that enlivens you the most!




Embrace your 3rd Act

  • Intentionally undertake this major life transition

Build Connections

  • Overcome feelings of isolation through building connections and community

Remember Your Worth 

  • Recognize your importance and worth just by existing, without the need for constant self-improvement.

Shed Your Outdated Roles

  • Learn to be congruent, shedding roles that don't align with your truth.

Navigate Grief & Loss

  • Deal with grief, creating new meaning for your life.

Rediscover Joy

  • Grant yourself permission to play, follow joy, and cultivate delight.

Create Your Work of Heart

  • Set in motion new focus, meaning, & purpose for your 3rd Act


Who is EMERGE  NOT for :


EMERGE is NOT for you if: 

  • You aren’t a purpose-seeker. EMERGE is the journey from being purpose-adjacent in your 3rd Act to being purpose-aligned.
  • You need to be connected to your smart phone all the time and can't consider putting it aside during our days together at the retreat.
  • You have not done any personal work, coaching, therapy, or self-help and/or you’ve never looked at your wounds from childhood.
  • You blame others for where you are right now, and feel like a victim (My life is worse than anyone else's. I always have to struggle and my struggles are worse than yours. Nothing good ever happens for me. etc.). This program is all about helping YOU to emerge and we don’t focus on other people.
  • You’re always trying to fix other people and are unwilling/resistant to look at yourself.
  • You have no space in your life for this. You work overtime at your job most weeks and your mind is filled with your job responsibilities. You need rest more than you need this program. 

Get On the Waitlist for our Next Opening!

This 4-day retreat and coaching program is designed specifically for women starting a new life chapter. You'll be the first to know about our next location and dates.Â